Week 3b: Survey & Online Questionaire

| Thursday 28 July 2011
Credits to SurveyMonkey

For this task we're required to produce a ten question survey at Surveymonkey. The sign up part is a breeze but creating the question was gruelling, our question was rejected each time we went to our lecturer (actually two times) but the second time we went to the lecturer some of our questions still does not make to the cut. There are lots of error. At some point , i just want to formulate some question and be done with it. But thinking that we'll be using the analysis for our next assignment, we're back to work seriously on the questionnaire

Anyway, according our lecturer, the questions in survey must be related in some ways, at least the data from the next question can be used to back up, the data that have been collected earlier. For instance, if the first question is asking the participants to rate their own computer competency, the next question will be asking about what activities they have done on the internet, because some participants may rate their skill as poor but they manage their own blog well and have knowledge on HTML codes and other related skill. This 'back up' question can be used as evidence for the surveyor to prove or analysing the participants' computer skills.

Apart from that, the wording of the question give huge impact on what we want to know. If we want to test their knowledge, what they have (facilities) and others. Thus it is very import to use the correct word to gain the relevant answer from the participants. The answering scheme also affect the data, rating scale, multiple answers and one answer only. Some of the questions may need to have 'others(state)' feature added to it, but some do not. It irrelevant to add others to question asking 'what is your gender?' when the answer is outright yes or no, even androgynous has their eminent or inclination to be former or latter.

It's is utmost important that the participants take the questionnaire/ survey seriously, if not the data will be implicated, thus the data will be corrupted. As a result the analysis will be too. It will cause wrong information to be spread to the masses.


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